Using technology to simplify the world
Create simple and useful AI tools that are affordable for everyone.
That’s what we would like to say;-)
Our mission
Simplifying Complexity
We utilize AI to simplify people’s lives, freeing them from mundane and repetitive tasks. This opens up time for more innovative and creative pursuits, as well as fostering stronger connections with loved ones.
Meaning of the Name
"UllrAI" is named after "Ullr", a god from Norse mythology known for his skill in archery and mastery of winter, symbolizing precision, agility, and resilience. Thus, "UllrAI" represents our aspiration to embody these qualities in the field of technology, striving for excellence and adaptability in all our endeavors.
- Accumulated Processing
- 2 Million
- Accumulated Users
- 170,000
- Launched Products
- 4 / 5